Essential Guide to Checking Travel Bans in the UAE: What You Need to Know

21 Aug, 2024
Essential Guide to Checking Travel Bans in the UAE: What You Need to Know

People in the UAE are free to travel in and out of the country. However, this freedom is restrained by law through the imposition of a travel ban due to several reasons.

A travel ban in the UAE is a restriction that prevents an individual from moving freely, specifically from entering, re-entering, or leaving the country. So, when the UAE government issues a travel ban, people cannot cross the country's borders by any means of transport.

If you are planning to travel, before you pack your bags and book your tickets, it's highly essential to be aware of any potential travel bans that could disrupt your plans.

So, a travel ban check in the UAE can save you from unexpected complications. Also, there are different types of travel bans, along with reasons supporting them. This guide will clarify everything you need to know about the travel ban in the UAE.

What is the travel ban check in the UAE?

The travel ban check in the UAE is a process where individuals are given a background check on whether any travel restrictions are imposed on them.

If any restrictions are imposed, then they can prevent the concerned from entering, re-entering, or leaving the country by any mode of transport, unless and until the issues are resolved. They can even be detained if they try to enter a different country. This is a travel ban in the UAE.

Why should you check if you have a travel ban?

It's crucial to check the travel ban status if you are entering or exiting the UAE to ensure a smooth travel experience. 

If you have a travel ban imposed on you, you might have to face some unfavorable situations at the airport. So, it's best to check this status first if you are planning to travel to the UAE.

Reasons behind the travel ban in the UAE:

There are different grounds on which a travel ban is imposed on an individual. Below, we have listed the most common ones based on which an individual is allowed to enter or exit the country.

  • Rent disputes are when you are involved in a disagreement with your landlord over unpaid rent or other issues related to your tenancy. Or if you have to settle the debts with the UAE government.
  • If you are under a travel ban from Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, the UAE can restrict your entry into the country.
  • If you are in the middle of a dispute with your employer in the UAE, they can request a travel ban until the issue is resolved. Also, leaving the country without notifying your employer and canceling the work permit can get you a travel ban. This is called an absconding band.
  • An ongoing criminal investigation where you are involved in any criminal case or there's a lawsuit against you. If it’s in the UAE, you are restricted from exiting the country. Meanwhile, if it's in your home country, you can’t enter the UAE.
  • Unpaid financial debts where you have any loans, credit card bills or any other financial obligations that you haven't settled yet.
  • Visa violations, where overstaying your visa or violating the terms can get you a travel ban along with fines and penalties.
  • A global outbreak of a disease, for example, COVID-19, that happened a few years ago or someone who’s suffering from a hazardous disease that’s dangerous to public health.
  • If there is involvement in certain activities reported by Interpol, the UAE may impose a travel ban to cooperate with international law enforcement efforts.

Types of travel bans in the UAE

There are different types of travel bans. You should remain compliant with the law to avoid getting enlisted in the UAE travel ban.

Immigration ban

If you have an immigration ban, it means you might have trouble entering or staying in the country. Some reasons include unresolved legal cases, overstaying your visa, unpaid debts, or criminal activities.

The ban can last anywhere from six months to forever, depending on what the law says.

Employment ban

Work-related issues can lead to a travel ban. If you break your employment contract, violate workplace rules, or quit your job without proper notice, you could end up with an employment ban. This means you won't be able to take on a new job or even leave the country during the ban period.

Financial ban

If you have any unpaid debts or loans, it can land you in a financial ban. So, it becomes difficult to leave your country or enter the UAE. Unless the financial situation isn't resolved, you can't enter or leave the UAE.

Criminal ban

If you have a criminal record, such as kidnapping or murder, you will get a criminal ban from the UAE. This is the UAE's way of keeping its borders safe and stable.

Permanent residency bans

This type of ban is imposed on individuals who have committed serious labor offenses. This prevents you from getting permanent residency in the UAE.


Final Words

If you suspect a travel ban imposition or are already dealing with one, it's best that you get in touch with Elnaggar & Partners, the best legal and corporate service provider in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. We can investigate pending criminal or civil cases or any other reason that has caused your travel ban in the UAE.

We also provide services such as absconding checks, UAE visa rejection, and conflict name clearing. We deliver reliable support and guidance at every step of the process. Contact us today and let's help you deal with the travel ban legally.

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