Are you working in the UAE and facing discrimination? Or do you find someone having a hard time being bullied or treated unfairly based on race, gender, religion, or nationality? If so, it’s hig...
Guideline For Employees Part II Labour & Employment Part: Annual, Sick, Maternity Leave And Deductions On The Salary Under what circumstances can an employee’s salar...
Guideline For Employees Part I Labour & Employment Part: Limited Contract Resignation In UAE Are you looking to land a job in the UAE? Suppose you successfully secure a position...
Lately, employment and work-related disputes have been the focus of legal practitioners and employees/workers affected by the current economic and health crisis the whole world is facing. ...
What is the law that allows an employer to apply unpaid leave? Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation has issued Ministerial Decree no. 279 of the year 2020 regulating the labor relations at p...
We regularly receive inquiries and questions from employees in the UAE complaining about having conflicts with their HR departments or their employers who are trying to push them to sign new employmen...
The United Arab Emirates is changing the world forever with something called Remote Work Visa Just like the year 2020 has changed consumer behaviors worldwide and the working environment as well as i...
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